Keep Your Blood Pumping During Winter Months

October 19, 2020
Protect yourself during the colder half of the year by maintaining good circulation. A warm bath or cup of tea is a good quick fix to boost circulation. But good circulation requires daily practices to keep your blood pumping.

How Cold Weather Affects Circulation

Your arteries and veins constrict in cold weather, making it difficult for oxygen- and nutrient-rich blood to get to your extremities. Adults 75 and older have lower circulation and slower metabolisms and put them at risk for hypothermia. Poor circulation can cause: Swollen ankles and feet: Blood settles in the lower extremities without proper circulation. The kidneys also don’t receive enough blood flow, causing fluids to build up in the ankles and feet. Varicose veins: These veins form when the valves that pump your blood weaken. The pressure in your lower extremities builds up and creates painful swelling in the veins.

Signs Of Poor Circulation

  • Cold hands and feet
  • Numbness and tingling in extremities
  • A blue tinge in lighter skin tones
  • Dry skinv
  • Brittle hair and nails
  • Slower wound healing

Tips For Good Circulation

Layer Up

Wear several loose layers of clothing. The air between layers will keep your body warm and support proper circulation. Wear a hat and scarf outside to reduce heat loss from your head and neck.

Get Moving

Exercise will get your heart pumping and your blood flowing, oxygenating your blood vessels and muscles. Aim for 30 minutes of exercise five times a week. Walk around your house or office regularly to keep the blood from settling in your legs.

A Good Diet For Circulation

A healthy diet and eight glasses of water a day will help improve and sustain good circulation Foods that support circulation:
  • Beets contain nitrate that is converted to nitric acid by the body. Nitric oxide loosens blood vessels for easy blood flow.
  • Berries have antioxidants like anthocyanin that are good for blood vessels and artery walls.
  • Grapes also contain antioxidants that relax blood vessels and encourage proper circulation
  • Fish like mackerel, trout, and salmon have Omega-3 fatty acids that lower blood pressure and keep your arteries clear.
  • Spinach is another nitrate-rich vegetable that expands your blood vessels and keeps your arteries flexible.
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